3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
You are planning your hub-to-hub communication strategy. To ensure that each hub transports its messages up to the next tier efficiently, which guideline should you follow?
If a new hub is installed on the same network as the primary hub and the new hub is not appearing in the CA
UIM GUIs, which troubleshooting steps are needed? (Choose two.)
You are a CA UIM administrator in a financial organization. Your manager wants you to manage and monitor
the highly secure network zone. The security policies do not allow any traffic to and from the highly secure
network zone over the non-standard firewall policies. The ports above 48000, which are used for CA UIM
communications, are considered to be nonstandard ports. To deploy bulk robots using CA UIM, which tasks are required?
1. Deploy a hub in the secure network zone and set up a tunnel.
2. Deploy a hub in the secure network zone but do not apply any probes to it.
3. Deploy the discovery_agent probe on the hub in the secure network zone.
4. Deploy the automated_deployment_engine (ade) probe on the hub in the secure network zone.
5. Ensure that HTTPS port 443 is open between the hub in the secure network zone and the tunnel server.
You completed the nimldr installation on several Linux distributions. Now you need to enable the nimbus
service. Which Linux command should you run to enable the service?
To enable multi-tenancy at every level of the UIM architecture, what is the best practice for setting the origin?