3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
Who is responsible for Initial asset allocation to the user/custodian of the assets?
A property of Information that has the ability to prove occurrence of a claimed event.
An employee caught with offense of abusing the internet, such as P2P file sharing or video/audio streaming, will not receive a warning for committing such act but will directly receive an IR.
A fire breaks out in a branch office of a health insurance company. The personnel are transferred to neighboring branches to continue their work.
Where in the incident cycle is moving to a stand-by arrangements found?
Below is Purpose of "Integrity", which is one of the Basic Components of Information Security
What is the worst possible action that an employee may receive for sharing his or her password or access with others?
An administration office is going to determine the dangers to which it is exposed.
What do we call a possible event that can have a disruptive effect on the reliability of information?
Cabling Security is associated with Power, telecommunication and network cabling carrying information are protected from interception and damage.
A well-executed risk analysis provides a great deal of useful information. A risk analysis has four main objectives.
What is not one of the four main objectives of a risk analysis?
After a devastating office fire, all staff are moved to other branches of the company. At what moment in the incident management process is this measure effectuated?
You see a blue color sticker on certain physical assets. What does this signify?
Which of the following is a possible event that can have a disruptive effect on the reliability of information?
Someone from a large tech company calls you on behalf of your company to check the health of your PC, and therefore needs your user-id and password. What type of threat is this?