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Professional-Cloud-Developer PDF



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Professional-Cloud-Developer PDF + Testing Engine



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  • Exam Name: Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer
  • Last Update: May 4, 2024
  • Questions and Answers: 254
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Professional-Cloud-Developer Practice Exam Questions with Answers Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer Certification

Question # 6

You are a developer at a large organization. You have an application written in Go running in a production Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. You need to add a new feature that requires access to BigQuery. You want to grant BigQuery access to your GKE cluster following Google-recommended best practices. What should you do?


Create a Google service account with BigQuery access. Add the JSON key to Secret Manager, and use the Go client library to access the JSON key.


Create a Google service account with BigQuery access. Add the Google service account JSON key as a Kubernetes secret, and configure the application to use this secret.


Create a Google service account with BigQuery access. Add the Google service account JSON key to Secret Manager, and use an init container to access the secret for the application to use.


Create a Google service account and a Kubernetes service account. Configure Workload Identity on the GKE cluster, and reference the Kubernetes service account on the application Deployment.

Full Access
Question # 7

Your data is stored in Cloud Storage buckets. Fellow developers have reported that data downloaded from Cloud Storage is resulting in slow API performance. You want to research the issue to provide details to the GCP support team. Which command should you run?


gsutil test –o output.json gs://my-bucket


gsutil perfdiag –o output.json gs://my-bucket


gcloud compute scp example-instance:~/test-data –o output.json gs://my-bucket


gcloud services test –o output.json gs://my-bucket

Full Access
Question # 8

Your company uses Cloud Logging to manage large volumes of log data. You need to build a real-time log analysis architecture that pushes logs to a third-party application for processing. What should you do?


Create a Cloud Logging log export to Pub/Sub.


Create a Cloud Logging log export to BigQuery.


Create a Cloud Logging log export to Cloud Storage.


Create a Cloud Function to read Cloud Logging log entries and send them to the third-party application.

Full Access
Question # 9

You need to redesign the ingestion of audit events from your authentication service to allow it to handle a large increase in traffic. Currently, the audit service and the authentication system run in the same Compute Engine virtual machine. You plan to use the following Google Cloud tools in the new architecture:

Multiple Compute Engine machines, each running an instance of the authentication service

Multiple Compute Engine machines, each running an instance of the audit service

Pub/Sub to send the events from the authentication services.

How should you set up the topics and subscriptions to ensure that the system can handle a large volume of messages and can scale efficiently?


Create one Pub/Sub topic. Create one pull subscription to allow the audit services to share the messages.


Create one Pub/Sub topic. Create one pull subscription per audit service instance to allow the services to share the messages.


Create one Pub/Sub topic. Create one push subscription with the endpoint pointing to a load balancer in front of the audit services.


Create one Pub/Sub topic per authentication service. Create one pull subscription per topic to be used by one audit service.


Create one Pub/Sub topic per authentication service. Create one push subscription per topic, with the endpoint pointing to one audit service.

Full Access
Question # 10

You are a developer at a large corporation You manage three Google Kubernetes Engine clusters. Your team’s developers need to switch from one cluster to another regularly without losing access to their preferred development tools. You want to configure access to these clusters using the fewest number of steps while following Google-recommended best practices. What should you do?


Ask the developers to use Cloud Shell and run gcloud container clusters get-credentials to switch to another cluster.


Ask the developers to open three terminals on their workstation and use kubecrt1 config to configure access to each cluster.


Ask the developers to install the gcloud CLI on their workstation and run gcloud container clusters get-credentials to switch to another cluster


In a configuration file, define the clusters users, and contexts Email the file to the developers and ask them to use kubect1 config to add cluster, user and context details.

Full Access
Question # 11

You are planning to deploy your application in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. Your application

can scale horizontally, and each instance of your application needs to have a stable network identity and its

own persistent disk.

Which GKE object should you use?









Full Access
Question # 12

Your company’s development teams want to use various open source operating systems in their Docker builds. When images are created in published containers in your company’s environment, you need to scan them for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). The scanning process must not impact software development agility. You want to use managed services where possible. What should you do?


Enable the Vulnerability scanning setting in the Container Registry.


Create a Cloud Function that is triggered on a code check-in and scan the code for CVEs.


Disallow the use of non-commercially supported base images in your development environment.


Use Cloud Monitoring to review the output of Cloud Build to determine whether a vulnerable version has been used.

Full Access
Question # 13

You have an analytics application that runs hundreds of queries on BigQuery every few minutes using BigQuery API. You want to find out how much time these queries take to execute. What should you do?


Use Stackdriver Monitoring to plot slot usage.


Use Stackdriver Trace to plot API execution time.


Use Stackdriver Trace to plot query execution time.


Use Stackdriver Monitoring to plot query execution times.

Full Access
Question # 14

You plan to deploy a new application revision with a Deployment resource to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in production. The container might not work correctly. You want to minimize risk in case there are issues after deploying the revision. You want to follow Google-recommended best practices. What should you do?


Perform a rolling update with a PodDisruptionBudget of 80%.


Perform a rolling update with a HorizontalPodAutoscaler scale-down policy value of 0.


Convert the Deployment to a StatefulSet, and perform a rolling update with a PodDisruptionBudget of 80%.


Convert the Deployment to a StatefulSet, and perform a rolling update with a HorizontalPodAutoscaler scale-down policy value of 0.

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Question # 15

You are deploying a microservices application to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that will broadcast livestreams. You expect unpredictable traffic patterns and large variations in the number of concurrent users. Your application must meet the following requirements:

• Scales automatically during popular events and maintains high availability

• Is resilient in the event of hardware failures

How should you configure the deployment parameters? (Choose two.)


Distribute your workload evenly using a multi-zonal node pool.


Distribute your workload evenly using multiple zonal node pools.


Use cluster autoscaler to resize the number of nodes in the node pool, and use a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale the workload.


Create a managed instance group for Compute Engine with the cluster nodes. Configure autoscaling rules for the managed instance group.


Create alerting policies in Cloud Monitoring based on GKE CPU and memory utilization. Ask an on-duty engineer to scale the workload by executing a script when CPU and memory usage exceed predefined thresholds.

Full Access
Question # 16

Before promoting your new application code to production, you want to conduct testing across a variety of different users. Although this plan is risky, you want to test the new version of the application with production users and you want to control which users are forwarded to the new version of the application based on their operating system. If bugs are discovered in the new version, you want to roll back the newly deployed version of the application as quickly as possible.

What should you do?


Deploy your application on Cloud Run. Use traffic splitting to direct a subset of user traffic to the new version based on the revision tag.


Deploy your application on Google Kubernetes Engine with Anthos Service Mesh. Use traffic splitting to direct a subset of user traffic to the new version based on the user-agent header.


Deploy your application on App Engine. Use traffic splitting to direct a subset of user traffic to the new version based on the IP address.


Deploy your application on Compute Engine. Use Traffic Director to direct a subset of user traffic to the new version based on predefined weights.

Full Access
Question # 17

You have an application deployed in production. When a new version is deployed, some issues don't arise until the application receives traffic from users in production. You want to reduce both the impact and the number of users affected.

Which deployment strategy should you use?


Blue/green deployment


Canary deployment


Rolling deployment


Recreate deployment

Full Access
Question # 18

You are planning to add unit tests to your application. You need to be able to assert that published Pub/Sub messages are processed by your subscriber in order. You want the unit tests to be cost-effective and reliable. What should you do?


Implement a mocking framework.


Create a topic and subscription for each tester.


Add a filter by tester to the subscription.


Use the Pub/Sub emulator.

Full Access
Question # 19

You want to use the Stackdriver Logging Agent to send an application's log file to Stackdriver from a Compute Engine virtual machine instance.

After installing the Stackdriver Logging Agent, what should you do first?


Enable the Error Reporting API on the project.


Grant the instance full access to all Cloud APIs.


Configure the application log file as a custom source.


Create a Stackdriver Logs Export Sink with a filter that matches the application's log entries.

Full Access
Question # 20

You are deploying a Python application to Cloud Run using Cloud Build. The Cloud Build pipeline is shown below:

Professional-Cloud-Developer question answer

You want to optimize deployment times and avoid unnecessary steps What should you do?


Remove the step that pushes the container to Artifact Registry.


Add the —cache-from argument to the Docker build step in your build config file.


Store image artifacts in a Cloud Storage bucket in the same region as the Cloud Run instance.


Deploy a new Docker registry in a VPC and use Cloud Build worker pools inside the VPC to run the build pipeline.

Full Access
Question # 21

You manage an application that runs in a Compute Engine instance. You also have multiple backend services executing in stand-alone Docker containers running in Compute Engine instances. The Compute Engine instances supporting the backend services are scaled by managed instance groups in multiple regions. You want your calling application to be loosely coupled. You need to be able to invoke distinct service implementations that are chosen based on the value of an HTTP header found in the request. Which Google Cloud feature should you use to invoke the backend services?


Traffic Director


Service Directory


Anthos Service Mesh


Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing

Full Access
Question # 22

You have an application running in App Engine. Your application is instrumented with Stackdriver Trace. The /product-details request reports details about four known unique products at /sku-details as shown below. You want to reduce the time it takes for the request to complete. What should you do?

Professional-Cloud-Developer question answer


Increase the size of the instance class.


Change the Persistent Disk type to SSD.


Change /product-details to perform the requests in parallel.


Store the /sku-details information in a database, and replace the webservice call with a database query.

Full Access
Question # 23

You manage a microservices application on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using Istio. You secure the communication channels between your microservices by implementing an Istio AuthorizationPolicy, a Kubernetes NetworkPolicy, and mTLS on your GKE cluster. You discover that HTTP requests between two Pods to specific URLs fail, while other requests to other URLs succeed. What is the cause of the connection issue?


A Kubernetes NetworkPolicy resource is blocking HTTP traffic between the Pods.


The Pod initiating the HTTP requests is attempting to connect to the target Pod via an incorrect TCP port.


The Authorization Policy of your cluster is blocking HTTP requests for specific paths within your application.


The cluster has mTLS configured in permissive mode, but the Pod's sidecar proxy is sending unencrypted traffic in plain text.

Full Access
Question # 24

You have an application deployed in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You need to update the application to make authorized requests to Google Cloud managed services. You want this to be a one-time setup, and you need to follow security best practices of auto-rotating your security keys and storing them in an encrypted store. You already created a service account with appropriate access to the Google Cloud service. What should you do next?


Assign the Google Cloud service account to your GKE Pod using Workload Identity.


Export the Google Cloud service account, and share it with the Pod as a Kubernetes Secret.


Export the Google Cloud service account, and embed it in the source code of the application.


Export the Google Cloud service account, and upload it to HashiCorp Vault to generate a dynamic service account for your application.

Full Access
Question # 25

Your company wants to expand their users outside the United States for their popular application. The

company wants to ensure 99.999% availability of the database for their application and also wants to minimize the read latency for their users across the globe.

Which two actions should they take? (Choose two.)


Create a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance with "nam-asia-eur1" configuration.


Create a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance with "nam3" configuration.


Create a cluster with at least 3 Spanner nodes.


Create a cluster with at least 1 Spanner node.


Create a minimum of two Cloud Spanner instances in separate regions with at least one node.


Create a Cloud Dataflow pipeline to replicate data across different databases.

Full Access
Question # 26

You are designing a resource-sharing policy for applications used by different teams in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. You need to ensure that all applications can access the resources needed to run. What should you do? (Choose two.)


Specify the resource limits and requests in the object specifications.


Create a namespace for each team, and attach resource quotas to each namespace.


Create a LimitRange to specify the default compute resource requirements for each namespace.


Create a Kubernetes service account (KSA) for each application, and assign each KSA to the namespace.


Use the Anthos Policy Controller to enforce label annotations on all namespaces. Use taints and tolerations to allow resource sharing for namespaces.

Full Access
Question # 27

You are writing from a Go application to a Cloud Spanner database. You want to optimize your application’s performance using Google-recommended best practices. What should you do?


Write to Cloud Spanner using Cloud Client Libraries.


Write to Cloud Spanner using Google API Client Libraries


Write to Cloud Spanner using a custom gRPC client library.


Write to Cloud Spanner using a third-party HTTP client library.

Full Access
Question # 28

You plan to make a simple HTML application available on the internet. This site keeps information about FAQs for your application. The application is static and contains images, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You want to make this application available on the internet with as few steps as possible.

What should you do?


Upload your application to Cloud Storage.


Upload your application to an App Engine environment.


Create a Compute Engine instance with Apache web server installed. Configure Apache web server to

host the application.


Containerize your application first. Deploy this container to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and assign

an external IP address to the GKE pod hosting the application.

Full Access
Question # 29

You have two tables in an ANSI-SQL compliant database with identical columns that you need to quickly

combine into a single table, removing duplicate rows from the result set.

What should you do?


Use the JOIN operator in SQL to combine the tables.


Use nested WITH statements to combine the tables.


Use the UNION operator in SQL to combine the tables.


Use the UNION ALL operator in SQL to combine the tables.

Full Access
Question # 30

You manage your company's ecommerce platform's payment system, which runs on Google Cloud. Your company must retain user logs for 1 year for internal auditing purposes and for 3 years to meet compliance requirements. You need to store new user logs on Google Cloud to minimize on-premises storage usage and ensure that they are easily searchable. You want to minimize effort while ensuring that the logs are stored correctly. What should you do?


Store the logs in a Cloud Storage bucket with bucket lock turned on.


Store the logs in a Cloud Storage bucket with a 3-year retention period.


Store the logs in Cloud Logging as custom logs with a custom retention period.


Store the logs in a Cloud Storage bucket with a 1-year retention period. After 1 year, move the logs to another bucket with a 2-year retention period.

Full Access
Question # 31

You work for an organization that manages an online ecommerce website. Your company plans to expand across the world; however, the estore currently serves one specific region. You need to select a SQL database and configure a schema that will scale as your organization grows. You want to create a table that stores all customer transactions and ensure that the customer (CustomerId) and the transaction (TransactionId) are unique. What should you do?


Create a Cloud SQL table that has TransactionId and CustomerId configured as primary keys. Use an incremental number for the TransactionId.


Create a Cloud SQL table that has TransactionId and CustomerId configured as primary keys. Use a random string (UUID) for the Transactionid.


Create a Cloud Spanner table that has TransactionId and CustomerId configured as primary keys. Use a random string (UUID) for the TransactionId.


Create a Cloud Spanner table that has TransactionId and CustomerId configured as primary keys. Use an incremental number for the TransactionId.

Full Access
Question # 32

You want to notify on-call engineers about a service degradation in production while minimizing development


What should you do?


Use Cloud Function to monitor resources and raise alerts.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to monitor resources and raise alerts.


Use Stackdriver Error Reporting to capture errors and raise alerts.


Use Stackdriver Monitoring to monitor resources and raise alerts.

Full Access
Question # 33

Your application is composed of a set of loosely coupled services orchestrated by code executed on Compute Engine. You want your application to easily bring up new Compute Engine instances that find and use a specific version of a service. How should this be configured?


Define your service endpoint information as metadata that is retrieved at runtime and used to connect to the desired service.


Define your service endpoint information as label data that is retrieved at runtime and used to connect to the desired service.


Define your service endpoint information to be retrieved from an environment variable at runtime and used to connect to the desired service.


Define your service to use a fixed hostname and port to connect to the desired service. Replace the service at the endpoint with your new version.

Full Access
Question # 34

Your team is responsible for maintaining an application that aggregates news articles from many different sources. Your monitoring dashboard contains publicly accessible real-time reports and runs on a Compute Engine instance as a web application. External stakeholders and analysts need to access these reports via a secure channel without authentication. How should you configure this secure channel?


Add a public IP address to the instance. Use the service account key of the instance to encrypt the traffic.


Use Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Build every hour to create an export from the reports. Store the reports in a public Cloud Storage bucket.


Add an HTTP(S) load balancer in front of the monitoring dashboard. Configure Identity-Aware Proxy to secure the communication channel.


Add an HTTP(S) load balancer in front of the monitoring dashboard. Set up a Google-managed SSL certificate on the load balancer for traffic encryption.

Full Access
Question # 35

You have containerized a legacy application that stores its configuration on an NFS share. You need to deploy this application to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and do not want the application serving traffic until after the configuration has been retrieved. What should you do?


Use the gsutil utility to copy files from within the Docker container at startup, and start the service using an ENTRYPOINT script.


Create a PersistentVolumeClaim on the GKE cluster. Access the configuration files from the volume, and start the service using an ENTRYPOINT script.


Use the COPY statement in the Dockerfile to load the configuration into the container image. Verify that the configuration is available, and start the service using an ENTRYPOINT script.


Add a startup script to the GKE instance group to mount the NFS share at node startup. Copy the configuration files into the container, and start the service using an ENTRYPOINT script.

Full Access
Question # 36

You are developing an application using different microservices that should remain internal to the cluster. You want to be able to configure each microservice with a specific number of replicas. You also want to be able to address a specific microservice from any other microservice in a uniform way, regardless of the number of replicas the microservice scales to. You need to implement this solution on Google Kubernetes Engine. What should you do?


Deploy each microservice as a Deployment. Expose the Deployment in the cluster using a Service, and use the Service DNS name to address it from other microservices within the cluster.


Deploy each microservice as a Deployment. Expose the Deployment in the cluster using an Ingress, and use the Ingress IP address to address the Deployment from other microservices within the cluster.


Deploy each microservice as a Pod. Expose the Pod in the cluster using a Service, and use the Service DNS name to address the microservice from other microservices within the cluster.


Deploy each microservice as a Pod. Expose the Pod in the cluster using an Ingress, and use the Ingress IP address name to address the Pod from other microservices within the cluster.

Full Access
Question # 37

You recently joined a new team that has a Cloud Spanner database instance running in production. Your manager has asked you to optimize the Spanner instance to reduce cost while maintaining high reliability and availability of the database. What should you do?


Use Cloud Logging to check for error logs, and reduce Spanner processing units by small increments until you find the minimum capacity required.


Use Cloud Trace to monitor the requests per sec of incoming requests to Spanner, and reduce Spanner processing units by small increments until you find the minimum capacity required.


Use Cloud Monitoring to monitor the CPU utilization, and reduce Spanner processing units by small increments until you find the minimum capacity required.


Use Snapshot Debugger to check for application errors, and reduce Spanner processing units by small increments until you find the minimum capacity required.

Full Access
Question # 38

HipLocal has connected their Hadoop infrastructure to GCP using Cloud Interconnect in order to query data stored on persistent disks.

Which IP strategy should they use?


Create manual subnets.


Create an auto mode subnet.


Create multiple peered VPCs.


Provision a single instance for NAT.

Full Access
Question # 39

HipLocal is configuring their access controls.

Which firewall configuration should they implement?


Block all traffic on port 443.


Allow all traffic into the network.


Allow traffic on port 443 for a specific tag.


Allow all traffic on port 443 into the network.

Full Access
Question # 40

For this question refer to the HipLocal case study.

HipLocal wants to reduce the latency of their services for users in global locations. They have created read replicas of their database in locations where their users reside and configured their service to read traffic using those replicas. How should they further reduce latency for all database interactions with the least amount of effort?


Migrate the database to Bigtable and use it to serve all global user traffic.


Migrate the database to Cloud Spanner and use it to serve all global user traffic.


Migrate the database to Firestore in Datastore mode and use it to serve all global user traffic.


Migrate the services to Google Kubernetes Engine and use a load balancer service to better scale the application.

Full Access
Question # 41

HipLocal's APIs are showing occasional failures, but they cannot find a pattern. They want to collect some

metrics to help them troubleshoot.

What should they do?


Take frequent snapshots of all of the VMs.


Install the Stackdriver Logging agent on the VMs.


Install the Stackdriver Monitoring agent on the VMs.


Use Stackdriver Trace to look for performance bottlenecks.

Full Access
Question # 42

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

A recent security audit discovers that HipLocal’s database credentials for their Compute Engine-hosted MySQL databases are stored in plain text on persistent disks. HipLocal needs to reduce the risk of these credentials being stolen. What should they do?


Create a service account and download its key. Use the key to authenticate to Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) to obtain the database credentials.


Create a service account and download its key. Use the key to authenticate to Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) to obtain a key used to decrypt the database credentials.


Create a service account and grant it the roles/iam.serviceAccountUser role. Impersonate as this account and authenticate using the Cloud SQL Proxy.


Grant the roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor role to the Compute Engine service account. Store and access the database credentials with the Secret Manager API.

Full Access
Question # 43

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

HipLocal is expanding into new locations. They must capture additional data each time the application is launched in a new European country. This is causing delays in the development process due to constant schema changes and a lack of environments for conducting testing on the application changes. How should they resolve the issue while meeting the business requirements?


Create new Cloud SQL instances in Europe and North America for testing and deployment. Provide developers with local MySQL instances to conduct testing on the application changes.


Migrate data to Bigtable. Instruct the development teams to use the Cloud SDK to emulate a local Bigtable development environment.


Move from Cloud SQL to MySQL hosted on Compute Engine. Replicate hosts across regions in the Americas and Europe. Provide developers with local MySQL instances to conduct testing on the application changes.


Migrate data to Firestore in Native mode and set up instan

Full Access
Question # 44

HipLocal wants to reduce the number of on-call engineers and eliminate manual scaling.

Which two services should they choose? (Choose two.)


Use Google App Engine services.


Use serverless Google Cloud Functions.


Use Knative to build and deploy serverless applications.


Use Google Kubernetes Engine for automated deployments.


Use a large Google Compute Engine cluster for deployments.

Full Access
Question # 45

HipLocal wants to improve the resilience of their MySQL deployment, while also meeting their business and technical requirements.

Which configuration should they choose?


Use the current single instance MySQL on Compute Engine and several read-only MySQL servers on

Compute Engine.


Use the current single instance MySQL on Compute Engine, and replicate the data to Cloud SQL in an

external master configuration.


Replace the current single instance MySQL instance with Cloud SQL, and configure high availability.


Replace the current single instance MySQL instance with Cloud SQL, and Google provides redundancy

without further configuration.

Full Access
Question # 46

Which service should HipLocal use to enable access to internal apps?


Cloud VPN


Cloud Armor


Virtual Private Cloud


Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

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Question # 47

HipLocal’s data science team wants to analyze user reviews.

How should they prepare the data?


Use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API for redaction of the review dataset.


Use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API for de-identification of the review dataset.


Use the Cloud Natural Language Processing API for redaction of the review dataset.


Use the Cloud Natural Language Processing API for de-identification of the review dataset.

Full Access
Question # 48

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

Which Google Cloud product addresses HipLocal’s business requirements for service level indicators and objectives?


Cloud Profiler


Cloud Monitoring


Cloud Trace


Cloud Logging

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Question # 49

In order for HipLocal to store application state and meet their stated business requirements, which database service should they migrate to?


Cloud Spanner


Cloud Datastore


Cloud Memorystore as a cache


Separate Cloud SQL clusters for each region

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Question # 50

Which database should HipLocal use for storing user activity?




Cloud SQL


Cloud Spanner


Cloud Datastore

Full Access
Question # 51

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

How should HipLocal increase their API development speed while continuing to provide the QA team with a stable testing environment that meets feature requirements?


Include unit tests in their code, and prevent deployments to QA until all tests have a passing status.


Include performance tests in their code, and prevent deployments to QA until all tests have a passing status.


Create health checks for the QA environment, and redeploy the APIs at a later time if the environment is unhealthy.


Redeploy the APIs to App Engine using Traffic Splitting. Do not move QA traffic to the new versions if errors are found.

Full Access
Question # 52

Which service should HipLocal use for their public APIs?


Cloud Armor


Cloud Functions


Cloud Endpoints


Shielded Virtual Machines

Full Access
Question # 53

In order to meet their business requirements, how should HipLocal store their application state?


Use local SSDs to store state.


Put a memcache layer in front of MySQL.


Move the state storage to Cloud Spanner.


Replace the MySQL instance with Cloud SQL.

Full Access
Question # 54

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

How should HipLocal redesign their architecture to ensure that the application scales to support a large increase in users?


Use Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to run the application as a microservice. Run the MySQL database on a dedicated GKE node.


Use multiple Compute Engine instances to run MySQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.


Use Memorystore to store session information and CloudSQL to store state information. Use a Google Cloud-managed load balancer to distribute the load between instances. Use managed instance groups for scaling.


Use a Cloud Storage bucket to serve the application as a static website, and use another Cloud Storage bucket to store user state information.

Full Access
Question # 55

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study.

HipLocal's application uses Cloud Client Libraries to interact with Google Cloud. HipLocal needs to configure authentication and authorization in the Cloud Client Libraries to implement least privileged access for the application. What should they do?


Create an API key. Use the API key to interact with Google Cloud.


Use the default compute service account to interact with Google Cloud.


Create a service account for the application. Export and deploy the private key for the application. Use the service account to interact with Google Cloud.


Create a service account for the application and for each Google Cloud API used by the application. Export and deploy the private keys used by the application. Use the service account with one Google Cloud API to interact with Google Cloud.

Full Access
Question # 56

HipLocal' auth service fails under intermittent load.

What should they do?


Use App Engine for autoscaling.


Use Cloud Functions for autoscaling.


Use a Compute Engine cluster for the service.


Use a dedicated Compute Engine virtual machine instance for the service.

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