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3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
When deciding how to set up the system to recognize revenue, it is important to understand the extent of revenue deferral and the subsequent timing of revenue recognition.
Which two statements are true when you consider that recognition depends on the nature of the contingency?
it has been decided that when processing customer payments using lockbox one customer can pay for another customer's transaction.
Which two steps will help achieve this?
Your customer receives their invoices via the XML delivery method. They want to receive billing transactions for specific sites only. Now you have been tasked with creating a very focused delivery method of XML transactions for this customer site that should be receiving the invoice.
To define this setup, you must add a new lookup code to the AR Features lookup type in the Manage Receivables Lookups task. Which lookup code would you use?
As an implementer. while importing data from a legacy/third-parly system, you forgot to populate the accounting distribution in the RA_INTERFACE_DlSTRIBUTIONS_ALL table. What happens when you run accounting?