3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
Create a pod named kucc8 with a single app container for each of the
following images running inside (there may be between 1 and 4 images specified):
nginx + redis + memcached.
Create a snapshot of the etcd instance running at, saving the snapshot to the file path /srv/data/etcd-snapshot.db.
The following TLS certificates/key are supplied for connecting to the server with etcdctl:
Schedule a pod as follows:
Score: 7%
First, create a snapshot of the existing etcd instance running at , saving the snapshot to /srv/data/etcd-snapshot.db.
Next, restore an existing, previous snapshot located at /var/lib/backup/etcd-snapshot-previo us.db
Score: 4%
Create a pod named kucc8 with a single app container for each of the following images running inside (there may be between 1 and 4 images specified): nginx + redis + memcached .
Set the node named ek8s-node-1 as unavailable and reschedule all the pods running on it.
Perform the following tasks:
Create a busybox pod that runs the command “env” and save the output to “envpod” file
Monitor the logs of pod foo and:
Create a file:
/opt/KUCC00302/kucc00302.txt that lists all pods that implement service baz in namespace development.
The format of the file should be one pod name per line.
Create a new PersistentVolumeClaim
• Name: pv-volume
• Class: csi-hostpath-sc
• Capacity: 10Mi
Create a new Pod which mounts the PersistentVolumeClaim as a volume:
• Name: web-server
• Image: nginx
• Mount path: /usr/share/nginx/html
Configure the new Pod to have ReadWriteOnce access on the volume.
Finally, using kubectl edit or kubectl patch expand the PersistentVolumeClaim to a capacity of 70Mi and record that change.
Score: 7%
Given an existing Kubernetes cluster running version 1.20.0, upgrade all of the Kubernetes control plane and node components on the master node only to version 1.20.1.
Be sure to drain the master node before upgrading it and uncordon it after the upgrade.
You are also expected to upgrade kubelet and kubectl on the master node.
Configure the kubelet systemd- managed service, on the node labelled with name=wk8s-node-1, to launch a pod containing a single container of Image httpd named webtool automatically. Any spec files required should be placed in the /etc/kubernetes/manifests directory on the node.
You can ssh to the appropriate node using:
[student@node-1] $ ssh wk8s-node-1
You can assume elevated privileges on the node with the following command:
[student@wk8s-node-1] $ | sudo –i