3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
3 Months Free Update
One server in a customer's data center is regularly restarting due to power supply issues. What type of dashboard could be used to view charts and create detectors for this server?
A customer deals with a holiday rush of traffic during November each year, but does not want to be flooded with alerts when this happens. The increase in traffic is expected and consistent each year. Which detector condition should be used when creating a detector for this data?
To smooth a very spiky cpu.utilization metric, what is the correct analytic function to better see if the cpu. utilization for servers is trending up over time?
Which of the following aggregate analytic functions will allow a user to see the highest or lowest n values of a metric?
An SRE came across an existing detector that is a good starting point for a detector they want to create. They clone the detector, update the metric, and add multiple new signals. As a result of the cloned detector, which of the following is true?
Given that the metric demo. trans. count is being sent at a 10 second native resolution, which of the following is an accurate description of the data markers displayed in the chart below?
What is one reason a user of Splunk Observability Cloud would want to subscribe to an alert?
A customer is experiencing an issue where their detector is not sending email notifications but is generating alerts within the Splunk Observability UI. Which of the below is the root cause?
What are the best practices for creating detectors? (select all that apply)
When installing OpenTelemetry Collector, which error message is indicative that there is a misconfigured realm or access token?