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Get JN0-663 Dumps : Verified Service Provider Routing and Switching. Professional (JNCIP-SP)

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For more than a decade, Crack4sure’s JN0-663 Service Provider Routing and Switching. Professional (JNCIP-SP) study guides and dumps are providing the best help to a great number of clients all over the world for exam preparation and passing it. The wonderful Juniper JN0-663 success rate using our innovative and exam-oriented products made thousands of ambitious IT professionals our loyal customers. Your success is always our top priority and for that our experts are always bent on enhancing our products.

This unique opportunity is available through our Juniper JN0-663 testing engine that provides you with real exam-like practice tests for pre-exam evaluation. The practice questions and answers have been taken from the previous JN0-663 exam and are likely to appear in the next exam too. To obtain a brilliant score, you need to keep practicing with practice questions and answers.

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Instead of following the ages-old concept of Juniper JNCIP-SP exam preparation using voluminous books and notes, Crack4sure has introduced a brief, to-the-point, and most relevant content that is extremely helpful in passing any certification Juniper JNCIP-SP exam. For an instance, our JN0-663 Jan 2025 updated study guide covers the entire syllabus with a specific number of questions and answers. The simulations, graphs, and extra notes are used to explain the answers where necessary.

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At crack4sure, we want to facilitate the ambitious IT professionals who want to pass different certification exams in a short period of time but find it tough to spare time for detailed studies or take admission in preparatory classes. With Crack4sure’s Juniper JNCIP-SP study guides as well as JN0-663 dumps, it is super easy and convenient to prepare for any certification exam within days and pass it. The easy information, provided in the latest Jan 2025 JN0-663 questions and answers does not prove a challenge to understand and memorize. The Juniper JN0-663 exam takers feel confident within a few days of study that they can answer any question on the certification syllabus.

JN0-663 Questions and Answers

Question # 1


JN0-663 question answer

Which two statements regarding the output shown in the exhibit are correct? (Choose two.)


The type of connection is remote.


The type of connection is local.


The PEs have matching control word values.


The label associated with this virtual circuit is out of range.

Question # 2

You are responsible for configuring CoS for your network Your network includes a video application with strict latency requirements, so that any packets delayed by more than 75 ms are effectively useless. You want to ensure that you do not waste buffer space.

When configuring the scheduler for this application, which feature would you use?






rate limit



Question # 3

You are considering different MPLS VPN connectivity options of a new customer deployment Your customer requires shared LSPs Layer 2 connectivity and auto-provisioning

Which type of VPN satisfies the requirements?


BGP Layer 3 VPNs


circuit cross-connects


BGP Layer 2 VPNs


LDP Layer 2 circuits

Question # 4


JN0-663 question answer

Referring to the exhibit, which statement is true?


The BGP session between R1 and R2 will fail to establish correctly due to an NLRI mismatch


The BGP session between R1 and R2 will establish correctly and the met unicast and the met6 unicast NLRIs will pass routing information


The BGP session between R1 and R2 will establish correctly and only the inet6 unicast NLRI will pass routing information


The BGP session between R1 and R2 will establish correctly and only the met unicast NLRI will pass routing information

Question # 5

You are deploying a new EVPN service for your customers. You must build the service based on the following requirements

-- both Layer 2 and Layer 3 functionality must be supported

-- your customers must be able to support multiple VLANs in the same EVPN instance (EVI).

In this scenario which two types of routing instances should be configured? (Choose two.)




virtual switch


virtual router



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